Distinguished Service Awards Nomination Procedure

Revision #:Rev1.0Document ID:64

Responsible Groups

Dept: Office of the President

Responsible Individuals

President & Vice Chancellor

Description / Scope

The practice of awarding Distinguished Service Awards on worthy candidates can be a means of appropriate recognition for outstanding service if done wisely and selectively. Both the recipient and the University should be honored in the granting of a Distinguished Service Award. The number of awards conferred in any given year should be limited, usually to one or two maximum. In some years no Distinguished Service Awards will be conferred.


This award is for the purpose of giving public recognition to persons whose work will have exhibited exemplary service and who lead lives that express the life of Christ, so as to encourage Christians to give of themselves in witness. Specific criteria include:

  • A person whose life and witness is consistent with the aims and commitments of Tyndale.
  • One who has given exemplary service to the church, Tyndale and/or community.
  • A person Tyndale would point to as modeling church life and service.


Candidates for Distinguished Service Awards will be limited to those whose life and service record has been demonstrated to be of outstanding merit exemplifying the University’s mission and goals over a lengthy period of time, usually over several decades.

Distinguished Service Awards will not be conferred on any active governor, administrator, faculty or staff member.

Distinguished Service Awards will not be conferred upon former governors, administrators, faculty or staff members until at least one year has elapsed after their association with the institution.

Step 1: Nominations from the University community (Employees, Governors, Alumni, Donors) are submitted to the President’s Office. All nominations should include relevant information about the nominee, including how their accomplishments align with the purpose and eligibility criteria for the Award, their commitment to the Christian faith and their relationship (if any) to Tyndale University. Where possible, a full curriculum vitae/biographical sketch and two (minimum) or three (maximum) letters of recommendation should be included. Nominations are to be submitted in confidence, without any prior discussion/approach being made to nominees.

Step 2: The President will conduct an initial review of nominations to determine their appropriateness for further consideration.

Step 3: The President will forward the nominations and supporting materials to the Board’s Executive Committee for review as per Board of Governors policy. If concerns arise they will be discussed.

Step 4: If not yet obtained, the President or designate will obtain a full curriculum vitae/biographical sketch and two (minimum) or three (maximum) letters of recommendation for each recommended recipient.

Step 5: Recommendations from the Executive Committee will be presented to the Board of Governors for approval. Successful nominations require at least 75% of the votes cast by the Board of Governors.

Step 6: Once the Board of Governors has approved the conferral of a Distinguished Service Award, the President or designate will contact the candidate to determine the candidate’s willingness to accept the honour.

Step 7: These Awards can be presented in any public gathering of the University community.

Step 8: Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process outlined above, including by those who write letters of recommendation. All meetings will be held in camera until the nominee has formally agreed to accept the Award and to attend the presentation event. The President’s Office will then issue an announcement.

Step 9: If a candidate declines the offer, this will be reported to the Board of Governors, and all information relating to the process, invitation and decision of the candidate will remain strictly confidential.

Step 10: If the University becomes aware of persuasive evidence which indicates that the persistent, personal behaviour of an honoree is in contravention of the mission, ethos and values of the University, the award may be rescinded at the Board’s discretion with input from the President and Cabinet.

Primary Author / Owner

President & Vice Chancellor